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Arizona Proposed Bill: Introduction to Legal info and Law Enforcement Interactions

The concept of education before enforcement.. The only way to govern fairly. Means a human's right, An American's right and an Arizonan's right, is to be introduced to the laws that govern over them before they are enforced upon them, whenever reasonably possible.

Introductions, being: Info given in schools and received with state identification cards, starting in 8th or 9th grade, possibly younger with a reintroduction in 9th. (at the earliest acts of vandalism, theft, etc.). Info given when state drivers licenses are received (not tested on, given). Lastly introduction being done by placing posters at every entrance to our state and country. (ports of entry and in route highways) as well as proper locations, such as courts and relevant public buildings, police departments, fire houses, libraries, etc.

Introduction also means in the modern age, the least we can do is create language translations of the laws that govern us (The reason being: increased, well-being of our communities, reduction in resentment, frustrations, etc., for both victims, victimizers and as a means of deterrence) Its as simple as a few signs in threshold languages that say, Here is where to find the local laws. Posted in all places that the English versions are.

When it comes to the details, its as simple as a 3 to 5 minute video (and a brief pamphlet with similar relevant info) explaining a list of common occurrences in regards to laws and law enforcement.

  1. How to identify law enforcers: Introduction to branches such as police, sheriff, federal agents and more.

  2. A person's rights concerning interactions with law enforcers: Rights and Responsibilities for the most common encounters: Foot, property and traffic stops, as well as expectations and entitlements.

  3. Proper behavior for civilians and law enforcers during interactions: The do's and dont's, When force can be used, escalated and understanding the burden of resisting if you are accused of a crime, as well as other finer details.

  4. What to do if an enforcer behaves improperly: How to respond and how and where to report it later.

  5. An introduction to measures of punishment: A list of the most common crimes for youth (in school programs) and a list of adult's most common crimes for Arizona Id card recipients. Lastly the rules for common interactions between people: violence, property and defense rights, etc.)

  6. The video ends by listing where to find laws: Federal, state, local and where to find the video and information contained in it.

  7. The program ends by offering or providing people with a pamphlet containing all the info listed in the video. (The law could and likely should also require law enforcers to offer the pamphlet to people when they are stopped.)

There are plenty of further details and info that could be added. This is a chance to polish, reorder and improve on a concept that is simple. The law requires that it is introduced, known and understood to be respected..... TruthJusticeLiberty.Org alone cant determine the exact information and details, it it something that should be refined in committee and public meetings, but that first requires your support (because law makers have chosen to ignore or decline) and an honest effort or behalf of politicians to move legislation forward. If you would like to talk further about what is being asked, fill in the contact info on the home page.


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