Have you ever watched C-Span or C-Span2 or C-Span3? Ever noticed the young kids guarding The Mace of The Republic ? Its the battle stick used to strike people who get past the kids seated on the steps.... Jokes aside.. Having called in to a few US offices (House and Senate) I have noticed and heard from quit a few of the employees, many of whom are fresh out of college, (or squeak like it) and claim to be unpaid interns knowing very little of the legislation and workings of the bodies (of government).
So I ask a question, can we not afford to employee workers in the uppermost levels of government with life and work experience? Is it more convenient to keep around young kids who are easily commanded and take shit without knowing when to speak up? Is it a wall of inexperience between the people and the elect allowing for avoidance and mistake to be the blame when direct questions don't get direct replies... If you have ever written to US Congress you have likely received a predrafted letter that doesn't address the issues you mentioned, Do we really need to have these youth sending poorly worded diversions to our questions and concerns? From reading many of these letters I am reminded of a Phrase from JFK "ask not what your country can do for you, Ask... what you can do for your country" I don't believe his reference was referring to seeking resolution or offering solution to a problem to a government office and having them reply back with an acknowledgement and a promise, but it seems kinda fitting...
a rought draft